

Dr. Ernesto Nix Riedel Caballero

  • Specialty Certificate: 8944567.
  • Professional Certificate: 6891422.
  • Current Certification: 140339 .
  • Endorsed by: University of Monterrey and Autonomous University of Chihuahua.
  • Physician attached to General Surgery of the Institute of Social Security and Services of the Worker at the Service of the Powers of the State of Puebla (ISSSTEP) from 2014-2016.
  • Ascribed Physician of General Surgery at the General Hospital of Cholula (SSA) 2014-2020.
  • Member of the Society of Physicians.
  • Speaker of medical congresses at Hospital Christus Muguerza UPAEP.
  • General surgeon at Hospital Ángeles de Puebla and Hospital Christus Muguerza UPAEP.

Dra. Daniela Julián Peral

  • Specialty Certificate: 8956516.
  • Professional Certificate: 6198933.
  • Current Certification: 05067-18.
  • Endorsed by: UPAEP y UANL.
  • Assigned Physician of Internal Medicine in charge of the floor of the Institute of Security and Social Services of Workers at the Service of the Powers of the State of Puebla (ISSSTEP) from 2014-2016.
  • Member of the Society of Physicians of Hospital Ángeles de Puebla.
  • Speaker of multiple national congresses.
  • Member of the College of Internal Medicine of Puebla.
  • Internist at Hospital Angeles de Puebla.
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